FTTH Eco Platform

A new platform where companies can share ESG best practices, build a database of detailed carbon intensity information for all products (essential for the accuracy of Scope 3 reporting), and receive preferential access to the expertise and tools of a consultant for organisations measuring their carbon emissions for the first time.



Get your organisation ready for the next ESG requirements

With this new initiative, the FTTH Council Europe aims at helping all companies involved in the FTTH value chain to measure accurately their carbon footprint and reduce their green house gas emissions.

Why does it matter?

Beyond a societal issue, reducing the environmental impact of our activity on the planet becomes a competitive issue. Evaluating the carbon emissions on which your company depends not only allows you to anticipate the risks for your activity but also to differentiate yourself and thus maintain or develop your business.

Your clients or investors are probably already asking you to report your carbon footprint or those of your products. The European Union has just made reporting compulsory (CSRD) for large organisation from 2024 and it will be extended to all SMEs by 2026, and your organisation needs to be ready on time.

How do we help?

The FTTH Council Europe, as a non profit organisation regrouping all stakeholders of the FTTH value chain, is in a unique position to propose a platform where companies can share ESG best practices, build a database of detailed carbon intensity information for all products (essential for the accuracy of Scope 3 reporting), and offer preferential access to the services of a consultant and a tool for organisations measuring their carbon emissions for the first time.

We have also developed a sector observatory which will track the progresses of our industry and will be communicated to policymakers.

We believe that cooperation between all stakeholders of our industry is key to helping us individually and collectively reduce our carbon emissions and that this is also the most time- and cost-effective way for organisation to adapt their processes.

Joining the initiative means embarking in a journey, not buying a service “off the shelves”. We are committed to adjust the program, taking into accounts the needs of all participants and the evolution of the regulatory context. We need participants to be willing to share data and experiences, thisis a prerequisite for the success of this initiative.

Who can join the platform?

All companies active in Europe and providing FTTH network-related products and services.

Member companies of the FTTH Council Europe enjoy reduced fees. The program is also open to non members of the FTTH Council Europe.

How to join

To confirm your interest in joining the platform, simply complete the sign-up form, and a member of our management team will contact you for the next steps and to guide you through the initiative.


Or get in touch with our team for more information: ecoplatform@ftthcouncil.eu

After completing the sign-up form, the registration process will work as follows:

  • Sign participation agreement
  • Identify individuals to be active in the program (max 3 representatives / organisation) 
  • Pay annual administrative fees
  • Once you will be officially registered, you can contact directly Toovalu to benefit from pre-negotiated services (Academy –individual training)

Services offered by the platform

Access to Sector Observatory

Access to Sector Observatory


Annual (confidential) carbon intensity (kg COeeqper Househould) reporting of your organisation (through the Carbon intensity tool)


Get access to a first sector observatory data, based on a test phase of the FTTH Eco Platform carried with a number of FTTH Council Europe members in 2023. 

Access to Sector Database

Access to Sector Database


Report the carbon footprint (through the Carbon Intensity Tool) of specific product or services on request to contribute to the Sector Database.


Get access to the Sector Database, which provides precise carbon intensity values for most products and services in the FTTH value chain. 

Information sharing

Information sharing


Share your experience and best practices with your peers and foster a greener FTTH industry.


Participation in the quarterly meetings organised by the platform to exchange best practices. Free access to the Online Forum (Private LinkedIn group) where you can dialogue with your peers.


  • Members of the FTTH Council Europe : 300 euros / year
  • Members of FTTH Council Europe's Associate members (when professional association) : 700 euros / year
  • Other Organisations : 1.000 euros / year
  • First year fees are calculated pro rata of the date of onboarding



Join the FTTH Eco Platform today: complete the pre-registration form to be contacted by a member of our team to guide you through the next steps:


Or get in touch with our team for more information: ecoplatform@ftthcouncil.eu



Additional GHG assessment offered by the platform

We are collaborating on this initiative with Toovalu, a consultant specializing in low-carbon strategies, with whom we developed a program dedicated to the FTTH industry and negotiated preferential rates for participants in the platform. The services are leveraging a dedicated software (licensed to be purchased for 3 years). Trainings are organised in groups (The Academy for generic knowledge) and individually (for specific implementation).


Collective training to build the Scope 1/2/3:

  • 4 sessions of 3 hours + 3 hours training on software
  • Collective sessions with up to 10 participants (note that we need a minimum of 6 participants to launch the training program)
  • Fees for FTTH Council Members : 900 euros
  • Fee for Members from Associate members (when professional association): 1.000€
  • Fees for other organisations : 1.200 euros
  • Contracted via the FTTH Council Europe
  • The FTTH Council Europe will entirely cover Academy costs for up to 10 members per year ( first registered, first served)

Individual training and consulting:

  • For one organisation only
  • Training on software, building the Scope 1/2/3 and/or supporting your low carbon strategy
  • 4 days module
  • Fees : 3.600 euros (inclusive of 10% FTTH reduction)
  • Directly contracted with Toovalu

Toovalu Impact Software

A cloud-based GHG assessment tool enabling you to collect and analyse your carbon footprint emissions and those of the sector through two interfaces: collecting and analysing. The former enables you to enter the data for each given subcategory with automatic conversion into carbon weight, while the latter provides you visibility on Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions with advanced search and filtering features. In a nutshell:

  • Get preferential access to the Toovalu Impact Software, a platform at the heart of Toovalu's eco-system, which enables:
    • Collection of data on carbon emission
    • Direct access to Carbon Intensity values from FTTH Sector Data Base
    • Use of Tailor-made indicator and dashboard to visualize and manage your impact
    • Definition of  your transition scenario and your action plan
  • Access to the Toovalu Impact Software is based on a 3-year commitment and is directly contracted with Toovalu. The yearly fee is linked to the size of your organisation (10% discount vs standard price for participants in the platform):
    • ≤ 100 people : 2.250 euros / year
    • ≤ 250 people : 3.600 euros / year
    • < 500 people: 5.400 euros / year
    • < 1000 people: 7.200 euros / year


In alignment
with global
sustainability goals

“The FTTH Council Eco Platform is a valuable initiative supporting the FTTH sector companies to meet the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requirements.

The carbon footprint reduction, apart from climate change mitigation, provide other important benefits like, improvement of operational efficiency, enhancement of corporate reputation and competitiveness"

Ewa Meller
Co-owner at Optomer Meller Rzetelski sp. j.

To learn more about the platform and its features

A reporting model for the entire sector

A reporting model for the entire sector

By leveraging the successful business cases of the first organisations participating in the test phase of the platform throughout 2023, this whitepaper describes the FTTH Carbon Footprint Cooperative Platform operational model and why ESG reporting matters for the FTTH industry. 

Read now
Live webinar and Toovaly Impact Software Demo

Live webinar and Toovaly Impact Software Demo

During a live webinar session held on May 13th 2024, the Sustainability Committee and Toovalu officially presented the FTTH Carbon Footprint Cooperative Platform to the general public, providing details about the offering as well as a live demonstration of the cloud-based GHG assessment tool Toovalu Impact Software. Watch the replay to understand its full potential.

Watch replay




Scope 3 reporting
in a simple and
streamlined way

"Prior to SIRO’s participation in the FTTH Eco Platform, SIRO had only calculated our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions. As part of the project we successfully built our first scope 3 greenhouse gas inventory in a simple and streamlined way.

Through our participation in the project, we were confident that we captured the correct information, with the highest level of certainty possible. Scope 3 emissions account for over 95% of SIRO’s overall carbon footprint, so it was really important to us that we calculate this correctly to identify priority areas for emissions reduction in our supply chain"

Catherine Mullan
Sustainability Specialist at SIRO


Toovalu Impact is a pioneering software tool for managing climate and CSR strategies. Their primary concern is to facilitate and support organisations and, more broadly, all stakeholders in their CSR & Climate initiatives.


Fuelled by its commitment to progress, Toovalu operates within an eco-system made up of experts, to provide its customers with the best results and solutions. Toovalu's main belief is putting climate at the heart of strategies!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Browse our FAQ section to find the answer to your needs. If you stil lrequire support, please contact us at ecoplatform@ftthcouncil.eu.

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