
Network Installation & Maintenance | Network Management | Other Consulting and Services | Provision of Telecommunications Services | Software

We optimize and automate telecom infrastructure operations by analyzing large volumes of visual information (pictures) and delivering high-quality data analytics.

In order to ensure the long-term quality of the infrastructure and its daily operations, infrastructure owners use the visual inspection method, i.e., collecting on-site photographs, which are usually taken by field technicians at no extra cost.

Timely analysis of these photos allows anomalies and poor-quality operations to be detected in real-time, preventing rework and resulting in cost savings. Human operators can detect failures in an image in about 2 minutes.

Our AI can analyze more than 1000 images per minute, without losing focus and regardless of the number of focus points.

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Inveniam AI engine assists FTTx field operations by automating quality control for active and passive equipment. Resulting in the reduction of rework.

​Inveniam offers fully managed AI-driven Computer Vision solutions to supercharge operational efficiency, cost savings and wider business benefits for our customers.

We specialize in working with infrastructure companies across every stage of the Computer Vision lifecycle from use case exploration to model training and optimisation.

With over 20 advanced detection capabilities spanning various telecom fields, our models are specifically designed to swiftly identify, analyze, and tackle complex scenarios. From anomaly detection to predictive maintenance, our AI-powered solutions provide unparalleled insights and actionable intelligence.

The quality of our AI comes from a deep level of data science, thorough algorithm training and high-quality image annotation. With our in-house Annotation Team, we deliver excellence every step of the way in the world of AI.

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