Gender Diversity Survey: industry best practices and opportunities to improve

In order to lay the foundation to deliver on its commitment, the Women in Fibre Committee launched a survey to help establish a baseline view of gender diversity within the fibre industry and to support the work of the Committee in identifying industry best practices and opportunities to improve.

Find out what 280 respondents had to say about whether gender is a barrier to progression in the European fibre industry; if Diversity & Inclusion initiatives are having an impact in their organizations; the impact of COVID-19 on work life; and if flexible working practices have helped them balance work and life effectively.

The key findings of the Gender Diversity Survey have been presented during a webinar on 15 December 2021. The survey, discusses the impact of gender on career progression and access to training in the fibre industry, based on 280 responses from diverse industry professionals. It highlights that gender affects advancement to senior roles and provides insights into diversity and inclusion initiatives and flexible working practices introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Roshene McCool, Senior Market & Technology Development Manager at Corning, presented the results along with recommendations for what leaders can do as they start to address the gender balance in their organisations.

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