Key trends facing the FTTH ecosystem analysed in new reports from the FTTH Council Europe and its partners

France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey and Spain are the fastest growing markets in terms of new Fibre-to-the-Home/Building (FTTH/FTTB) subscribers, according to the ‘European FTTH/B Market Panorama 2025’ published by the FTTH Council Europe.

Published ahead of the annual FTTH Conference (Amsterdam, 25-27 March 2025), the report details the notable progress made across Europe last year, with the number of homes passed with FTTH/FTTB across EU39 increasing by 25 million between September 2023 to September 2024. The FTTH/B take up rate also raised to 53% in the EU39 area during this period (up by 3,4 percentage points from the previous year). However the report also indicates that more must be done to reach the European Commision’s 2030 Digital Decade objectives, as only 1 in 4 countries within the region have a penetration rate beyond 50%. 

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