Other Consulting and Services | Project Management | Software
Optare Solutions is a consulting and engineering services company specializing in the telecommunications market. For over 20 years, we have applied our deep specialized knowledge, fine-tuned methodologies, technologies, and processes to help CSPs and ISPs design and build best-in-class OSS. This enables them to become extremely agile and efficient in highly competitive markets, ensuring their growth and profitability. Optare Solutions is a long-time member of the TM Forum and GSMA associations. Since 2014, we have been working with InfraCos, NetCos, and ServCos to provide FTTx services, becoming a high-value partner in complex telecom markets such as Spain, Portugal, and Poland. The experience and knowledge we have gathered over the years allow us to offer the best services and solutions to wholesale and retail telecom companies eager to simplify and automate their OSS processes, reduce operational costs, and significantly improve their time to market. We offer consulting services and proven solutions specifically designed to address typical challenges faced by FTTH wholesale and retail companies. These include OSS/BSS systems design during company splits, order management process design, API-based service improvements, convergent offerings for wholesale players, footprint and coverage management, and network and service assurance automation to improve service quality and reduce operational costs . We would like to hear from you about your own challenges and work together to find the best solutions to address them.
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