Presentation at FBA's Fiber for Breakfast

Event: Fiber for Breakfast
Speaker: Vincent Garnier - Director General 
Date: 4 September, 2024
Location: Online
Organiser: Fiber Broadband Association (FBA)

In the context of the Fiber for Breakfast, organised by Fiber Broadband Association (FBA), and as part of the session titled "Status of Fiber in Europe and Around the Globe" Vincent Garnier, Director General FTTH Council Europe discussed the current status of Fiber in Europe and the key initiatives of the FTTH Council in Europe and of the Fiber Council Global Alliance.  Fiber is having a significant positive impact on economic development, sustainability, and is elevating the quality of life for communities around the world.  Gary and Vincent joined Fiber for Breakfast from the FCGA Global Summit in Kuala Lumpur and shared the latest global stats, research, and trends for Fiber deployment.

Thanks to Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) for the invitation and for giving us the opportunity dive into the FTTH deployment and its rapid global expansion. 

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