Panel discussion at DSA Global Summit 2024

Event: DSA Global Summit
Speaker: Vincent Garnier - Director General 
Date: 23 September, 2024
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Organiser: Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA)

The DSA Global Summit is the premier global event bringing together leading regulators, spectrum authorities, industry experts and academics to discuss the opportunities and challenges with enabling spectrum sharing through the use of dynamic access technologies.

The 2024 Summit will be composed of a regulator-only workshop on September 24 and public keynote addresses and panel sessions on September 23 - 24. The unique structure of the DSA Global Summit allows Regulators and spectrum authorities to meet with other Regulators and spectrum authorities from across the globe to discuss spectrum management challenges while enabling for in-depth discussion on both technical and policy issues. The second part of the event is dedicated to hearing on band-specific use cases and innovation on spectrum management.

Mr. Garnier will speak in the panel Spectrum management with a user-centric approach - End Users. This session focuses on the evolving landscape of spectrum management with a user-centric perspective. Key questions to address include:

  • How are users accessing the Internet? What does Internet traffic indicate? What is the relationship between indoor and outdoor traffic? How does it change for developed markets, islands, and LDD?
  • How can innovative spectrum management frameworks contribute to ensuring that users get meaningful connectivity?
  • What are the user expectations in terms of broadband access?
  • How can dynamic spectrum access enhance end-user experience by providing reliable, high-speed connectivity across various devices and locations?
  • What is the role of different technologies in addressing users' requirements?

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