Event: Telco Per l’Italia 360SummIT
Speakers: Vincent Garnier - Director General
Date and time: 12 December 2023
Location: Teatro Sala Umberto, Via delle Mercede, 50 – Rome
Organiser: Corriere Comunicazioni
Turning critical issues into opportunities: the telecom industry is going through a complex phase but there is no other way out than through innovation. Not only innovation in business models or consumer offers, though, but in technology and skills. Telco Per l’Italia, the end-of-year event by Corriere Comunicazioni, was the opportunity to address these challenges and make space for innovation. An expert speaker line-up featuring operators, investors, local authorities, and Government’s representatives took stock of the state of the Italian telecom market to understand how business models are evolving, on which technologies and services investments are being focused, and the expectations for 2024. In the context of the event, our Director General Vincent Garnier set the scene for the discussions happening throughout the day with a state-of-the-market presentation highlighting where we are on the road to full-fibre connectivity in Europe, with particular emphasis on the Italian case.