Event: Presentation "International/European State of Affairs for fiber deployment", during Fiber for BE, the State of Fiber in Belgium Speaker: Vincent Garnier – Director General Date: 17 October 2023 Location: Handelsbeurs (Gent), Belgium Organiser: FITCE.be
What is happening in the Belgian market and what are successful use cases? What is going to happen in the coming years in terms of fibre deployment? What are the key technological evolutions? What bandwidths and service quality can be delivered on the networks of the future? What is the status of regulation and the role of the different governments in Belgium? How can we ensure the rural parts are not forgotten? What are other challenges Belgian players face in their ambition to roll out fibre? What are the practical day-to-day challenges of actually installing that fibre in the streets? Can AI help to speed up fiber deployments? These are the questions that FITCE's event "Fiber for BE" answered with the help of a prominent speaker line-up, representing the entire value chain. Our Director General Vincent Garnier contributed to the discussion with some fact-based insights from our latest market reports during his presentation, where he took stock of the Belgian fibre market in comparison to EU trends and ambitions for digital connectivity by 2030.
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