On 12 May the FTTH Council Europe revealed the 2021 Market Panorama and the latest figures outlining fibre deployment trends in Europe prepared with IDATE.
Ranking and the Market Panorama will be updated next year, whereas the FTTH/B market forecasts for 2021 and 2026 will be unveiled at the FTTH Virtual Conference 2021 on September 15-16.
Every year since 2007, the FTTH Council Europe releases a market panorama which provides a snapshot of the state of fibre in Europe and globally. This comprehensive set of data highlights indicators which influence fibre deployment and provide an overview of trends for coverage, take-up rate, number of subscribers and homes passed for FTTH/B. The most popular finding of the Fibre Market Panorama is our annual ranking showing what European countries are leading the full-fibre charge by highlighting FTTH/B network buildout and active fibre subscribers. The FTTH Council Europe also publishes a forecast with a 5 to 10-year perspective.
Whereas the general market panorama report is publicly available, members of the FTTH Council Europe are granted exclusive access to the granular and very detailed data depicting FTTH/B parameters in the majority of the European and a handful of Asian countries. This unique data allows our members, including regional and international operators, manufacturers, and investors, to efficiently navigate their business & direct their investments where it's most needed or will be viable in years to come.
Members of the FTTH Council Europe can access the underlying market panorama data and other content & exclusive services via member-restricted extranet (subject to certain conditions).