Women in fibre

The fibre-to-the-home industry through their eyes

A video campaign by the FTTH Council Europe's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to promote gender equality and inspire the next generation of female professionals in the fibre industry.


Breaking Barriers, Building Futures

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is thrilled to announce the launch of our groundbreaking video campaign, designed to celebrate and empower women working in the fibre industry. This campaign not only showcases the remarkable achievements, skills, and contributions of these women, but also aims to promote gender equality and inspire the next generation of female professionals in the field.

As part of this initiative, we invited eight extraordinary women from within the FTTH Council Europe’s membership community to share their unique experiences and perspectives. These women candidly discuss their journeys into the fibre industry, detailing how and why they chose this career path and what motivates them to excel. Through their stories, we gain insight into the challenges they have overcome and the successes they have achieved.

Advocating for Inclusion and Diversity

The realm of technology, historically dominated by male professionals, has seen a skewed representation of genders. This trend extends to the FTTH industry, where women, despite possessing equal competence and vision, often find fewer opportunities and face greater challenges in ascending to leadership roles. Nevertheless, women in the fibre industry play a crucial role in driving innovation, advancing sustainability, and fostering community building. Their diverse contributions are essential to the continued growth and evolution of the industry. By highlighting their stories, this campaign aims to shed light on the significant impact women have in this sector, inspiring not only female professionals and students interested in the fibre sector, but also the general public interested in gender equality and industry innovation to follow in their footsteps.

At its core, this campaign is a powerful advocacy tool for a more inclusive and diverse industry. By celebrating the successes of these women and sharing their stories, we hope to challenge existing stereotypes, break down barriers, and create a more welcoming environment for women in the fibre industry.

Goals of the Campaign

  • Celebrate Achievements
    Recognize and honor the outstanding contributions of women in the fibre industry, highlighting their skills, innovation, and leadership.

  • Promote Gender Equality
    Advocate for equal opportunities and representation for women in the industry, emphasizing the importance of diversity for growth and success.

  • Inspire the next generation
    Motivate young women to pursue careers in the fibre industry by showcasing role models who have paved the way through their dedication and excellence.

  • Foster a Supportive Community
    Build a community of support and mentorship within the fibre industry, encouraging collaboration and shared success.



Personal Stories and Professional Journeys

Challenging the status quo

Challenging the status quo

"You find your ways, you challenge the status quo, come up with new ideas and see things from other angles. I think this is the place to be."

Marketing Manager - Genexis

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Getting out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone

“I get to go out of my comfort zone. And that's exactly the area where you can grow and that's what I love about it.”

Content Manager - Eurofiber

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Being part of the revolution

Being part of the revolution

“Fibre is going to be the enabler of future networks, so, come be part of it and help connecting the world.”

Product Manager - Prysmian

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Stay curious, ask questions

Stay curious, ask questions

"You need to have a lot of curiosity and be open to new technologies. Stay curious, ask questions, and that's how you succeed."

Application Engineer - Corning

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Fibre, a world of opportunities

Fibre, a world of opportunities

"I'm excited about fibre because of the endless opportunities it gives, and also increases equality. I love my job because it makes a difference."

Head of Sustainability - Hexatronic

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Energising and addictive

Energising and addictive

"There's no two days are the same, I find it really energizing and a little bit addictive, I just can't give it up. You know, I keep leaning in for more."

CTO - Siro

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Jumping into the cold water

Jumping into the cold water

"If I need to give a piece of advice to young people who are starting their career, don't be afraid of challenges. Be brave, jump into the cold water and start to swim."

Executive Broadband Director - Kontron, d. o. o.

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Reaching goals together

Reaching goals together

"We are building the networks of the future, which will be used for decades. It's nice to wake up in the morning and to think that I am doing this with the others".

Fibre Network Department Lead - Proximus

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Join Us in
Celebrating and Empowering
Women in Fibre

We invite you to join us in celebrating these remarkable women and their contributions to the fibre industry. Watch their stories, share their experiences, and be inspired by their journeys. Together, we can advocate for a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable industry that empowers everyone to reach their full potential.


Through this campaign, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee reaffirms its commitment to fostering a more inclusive and diverse fibre industry. By highlighting the achievements and stories of women in the field, we aim to inspire change, promote equality, and pave the way for future generations of female professionals.

Barbara Tonarelli
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair




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